History of Early Amateur Journalism in Vermont


THE EARLIEST KNOWN amateur journal was the Monthly Punch, published in Brandon in 1869 by F. K. Morrill. In Woodstock in 1872 the Acorn was issued by John Cotton Dana, who later became one of the leading public librarians of the country. His brother Harold was associated with him. The same year in Burlington Will H. Nicholls published the Union, and Henry S. Kendall the Eagle. In 1874 in Montpelier William M. Kendall issued the Young American, and in 1877 Tuttle and Dewey sent out the Green Mountain Boys. The same year in Brattleboro C. D. Barrett started a weekly called the Advance, and in 1878 the well known editor and diplomat, George B. Harvey, began his journalistic career by publishing the Democrat in Peacham.


Later papers were the Golden Reaper, E. W. Tewksbury, editor, from West Randolph; the Green Mountain Echo, L. J. Griffith, editor, from Danby; and Ripples from Lake Champlain and Interim by Earl C. Kelley.


The Queen City Amateur Press Association was formed in Burlington in 1873 with W. H. Nicholls as President, and this was merged in January, 1874, into a Green Mountain A.P.A., of which William Kendall was made President, and Nicholls Treasurer. It held only one meeting. A State organization was established in 1884 with Frank E. Goodwin, of Cambridge, as President. It was re-organized in September, 1886, but its history was short.



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